I'm sure that you have heard about the dangers of blue light exposure at nighttime. It suppresses melatonin levels and can cause health problems and sleep issues. That's why we try to limit screen time before bedtime, especially for our children. But...,
- Did you know that white LED lights emit a whole lot of blue?
- Did you know that children are much more sensitive to blue light than adults?
As parents, we want to do the right thing for our children. We establish evening routines, set regular bedtime hours, and limit their screen use. However, there is a glaring problem that many of us never thought about: Night Lights
Most night lights use a white LED
Most of us purchase standard night lights from the local hardware store or big-box store. These night lights are virtually all lit with a white LED. They are very energy efficient and much safer that the old incandescent night lights that would get really hot.
However, white LEDs put out a LOT of blue light!
Blue light at nighttime is now considered a public health risk by researchers around the world. Mountains of research are now telling us that blue light at night is incompatible with our biology. There are a range of problems linked with inappropriate light after dark.
- Obesity
- Poor blood sugar control
- Melatonin repression
- Poor sleep quality and delayed onset
- Breast and prostate cancers
- Jet lag symptoms
It's time to get rid of white night lights!
We have WAY too much blue light after dark already. Enough is enough! Let's eradicate these little blue light generators from our homes. They have no place in the house much less a child's room.
No circadian rhythm researcher would put a white LED night light in their kids room and you shouldn't either!
Replace them with safe Red Lights
The next best thing to total darkness in your child's room, is to use a red night light.
- Red LEDs do not emit any disruptive blue or green light.
- They do not interfear with melatonin production, allowing effortless transition into nighttime physiology
- They also preserve night vision which allows for getting around better in the middle of the night.
What can we do?
With such a simple solution, we can easily stop this threat in it's tracks. By simply swapping out all the white LED night lights with red ones, we can mitigate a potential health hazard.
I keep thinking about all the children and I wonder:
"Are they getting exposed to blue light all night?"
"Are their parents aware of the dangers?"
So what can I do?
I started telling people.
You can too. We will help.
Use the hashtag #NoWhiteNightLights on social media.
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We can also help by offering a discount to people who need it. You can also purchase in bulk at a discount to give away to friends and family.
Buy for friends and family
Biorhythm Safe red night lights make a great gift!
Use the coupon code SHARE2020 during check out when buying 3 or more night lights.